On our pre-INSEAD trip this summer to Nice, we took a day trip down the coast to Monaco for a long afternoon. You can easily take the bus from Nice to Monte Carlo and the ride is quite breathtaking as you travel along the winding coastline.
Upon arrival, we walked up to the Prince's Palace and enjoyed some amazing views of Monaco. I mean, can you imagine owning a yacht here? It seems like every building has an ocean view.
Monaco felt more like a quaint tourist town than its own country. We walked around just exploring the streets and and enjoying the views. My friend Liz had her "real" camera (as opposed to my usual iPhone pictures) and took some great candid shots of Neena and I.
We then proceeded to walk around Port Hercule and enjoy the market along the water. We dreamed about getting on one of those yachts! Maybe when we get jobs after business school?
And finally, you can't visit Monaco without seeing the famous Monte Carlo Casino. While we couldn't go inside, we did explore some of the nearby (less fancy) casinos and eventually decided that it wasn't worth gambling our tuition money and settled for lunch at an outdoor cafe instead.