Monday, August 27, 2012

Training Log: Week 14/16

The Chicago Half Marathon is in two weeks! AH!

Monday - Rest Day
Rest up from Sunday's run

Tuesday - CrossFit WOD
7 rounds:
150 m row
20 wall balls (10#)
10 burpees
3-minute rest
Total Time: ~25 minutes

Wednesday - CrossFit WOD
PRE-WOD:  Back Squat 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 (max: 3 x 113#)
800 meter Run 
30 – 20 – 10 of:
Pull – Ups (band assisted)
Box Jumps (20")
Then, 800 meter Run Time: 16:20
I haven't done a lot of pull ups in a while so this workout made my shoulders/back/arms sore. Plus I made a PR in the 3-rep max back squat!

Thursday - CrossFit WOD
PRE-WOD: 3×3 Turkish Get Ups
WOD: 5 Rounds
10 Handstand Push Ups
400 meter Run Time: 13:43
Post-WOD: practice rope climbs
I had a lot of trouble with turkish get-ups. I'm not good with things that involve a lot of choreography. I actually did pretty well on practicing the rope climbs.

Friday - Rest Day
resting for tomorrow's run!

Saturday - 10-Mile Run
Time: 1:30, Pace: 9:00/mile
This run went pretty well, although is was much hotter than I expected. It turned out to be 86 degrees instead of the forecasted lower 70s, even at 7-9 am. MapMyRun seems to be down so I don't have a map to share with you. But, I basically went from my apartment in River West through downtown to Buckingham fountain and then north along the Lakefront Trail to North Beach, which was exactly 5 miles, and then re-traced my steps to make it 10 miles. My pace was pretty good at 9-min miles. If I can keep that pace for the half, then I'll reach my goal of breaking 1:50!

I love running along the Lakefront Trail on weekend mornings, it's like running in a race! There are tons of people training for races running alongside you and Feet Fleet (a shoe/running store) has free water/gatorade stations. You also get some beautiful views of the city and the lake. The whole trail is 18 miles and I wish I had a bike so I could ride all of it! (I guess I could also train for a marathon and run all of it.)

What are some of your favorite places to run in your city?

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