Sunday, September 30, 2012

Workout Log

Good News! I signed up for the Hot Chocolate 15K in Chicago! I wanted to do another half to redeem my Chicago Half Marathon time but there weren't any good races left this fall. I've heard the the Hot Chocolate 5K is fun but I wanted to do a longer distance so I signed up for the 15K, which is 9.3 miles.

Tuesday, 9/25 - CrossFit
Pre-WOD: find 3-rep max push press: 75 lbs. (new PR by 5 lbs.!)
WOD: 6 rounds, taking 1 minute rest every minute
5 knees to elbow
10 push press (45#)
20 lateral barbell jumps
Time: 10:48 (including rest time)

Wednesday, 9/26 - CrossFit
Pre-WOD: find 1-rep max front squat: 115 lbs. (new PR by 7 lbs!)
WOD: 12-minute AMRAP
9 hand-stand push ups (from box)
26 box jumps (20")
154 single unders
35 hang power clean (33#)
Total: 1 round plus 35 hang cleans
This was a hard workout and I was originally going to do 55# hang cleans but my shoulders were sore from Tuesday and 35 reps is a lot. I feel like I've been setting new PRs every workout, which is great! I think I've finally got my form down on a lot of these movements so I feel much more confident increasing weights. This workout was supposed to be double-unders which I really need to work on because I just can't get the rhythm down.

Thursday, 9/27 - CrossFit
Pre-WOD: practice double-unders, I just can't get it!
800 m run
10 rounds:
10 burpees
10 box jumps (10")
then, 800 m run
Time: 26:50
This was a long and difficult workout. My legs were getting really tired about halfway through. And, burpees always suck. But, what a great cardio workout!

Friday, 9/28 - LSD Run
6.8 miles in 58:58, that's 8:39-minute pace!
Although my legs were sore from Thursday's workout, this run felt great! The weather was windy but in the low 60s. I actually ran much faster in the last 2 miles because I just felt so good! I seriously should have done better in the Chicago Half but its time to stop dwelling about that. This upcoming 15k is going to be great :) My route is below, more of the usual, just running through downtown to the lakeshore and then back. My route sometimes looks weird running through the city because I just make turns depending on the lights so I don't have to stop.

Saturday, 9/29 - CrossFit
Partner AMRAP for 20 minutes:
7 kettlebell swings (35#)
7 burpees
7 wall balls (10#)
(one partner works while the other rests)
Total: 16 rounds + 15 reps
I did this workout with Sarah who was visiting from Naptown CrossFit in Indy. The workout seemed easy on paper but was much harder than it looked. Each round took only about a minute so there wasn't much time for rest.

Sunday, 9/30 - Rest Day!

What was your best workout this week?

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