I've actually had some pretty big New Years resolutions work out in the past because they were specific enough for me to actually measure if I reached them. In 2010, I decided to drastically change my diet and eat vegan. Going "cold turkey" like this worked for me, but it might not work for everyone. I threw out all of my non-vegan food (including a huge stash of Cheez-Its that my friend compiled for me from the dorms haha) and started the difficult process of learning how to eat healthy vegan food. While I'm not strictly vegan anymore, I do still eat a plant-based diet, so this resolution was a huge success! In 2011, my resolution was "to eat healthier and work out more." I have no idea if I actually attained this goal because it was so vague. In 2012, I decided to start this blog, read my first post here. I'm still writing so this resolution was definitely a success! I also wanted to do unassisted pull-ups; it's the end of the year but I finally got them! See picture below, I am not using the band hanging there :)
Me doing an unassisted kipping pull-up (on the right)
I've been thinking about some New Years resolutions for 2013 and here are some of my ideas:
- Learn double unders
- Do regular push-ups (means practicing every day)
- Do all pull-up workouts without a band (unassisted kipping pull-ups)
- Beat half-marathon PR of 1:55 in the Indy 500 Mini Marathon
- Be active every single day
- Go gluten-free
What are your past successful resolutions/goals?
What are some of your New Years resolution ideas?
I'm going gluten-free too! I'm a little nervous about being vegan and gluten free though, cause it will really be limiting my food choices but I'm gonna try! I'm also doing this with a friend, I think having a partner in your resolutions really helps you keep them, as well as being very specific! I also want to train for and run a half marathon, I'm really excited for this one! What half are you going to run in 2013?
ReplyDeleteI ate a burrito today and even though it has a whole wheat tortilla, it made me feel so bloated! I know that I'm sensitive to wheat/gluten, but not intolerant because I've gotten tested. Giving it up is a good idea but I agree with you that I already feel like I don't eat so many foods and I'm not sure I want to add another "food group" to the list. I'm doing the Indy 500 half in May, what about you?