Tuesday - Crossfit
Pre-WOD: Front Squat 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5
WOD: Every Minute on the Minute for 14 Minutes
-on the EVEN minutes = 7 Thruster (45)
-on the ODD minutes = 10 Burpees
I did a light weight for the front squats because I didn't want to push myself too hard on the first day back, but my hamstrings are still sore (I'm writing this on Friday).
Wednesday - Crossfit
Pre-WOD: 3-rep max shoulder press - 55 lbs.
WOD A: 15 Minute AMRAP
-10 Pull Up (Rx!)
-10 Deadlift (65)
-10 Box Jump
Total: 4 rounds plus 10 pull-ups
I went light on the deadlift and wasn't able to do too many rounds because I did Rx kipping pullups! Meaning, I didn't use a band! I did a total of 50 unassisted pull ups!
Box jump! Courtesy of RNCF
Thursday - Rest Day
I was really sore from Tuesday and Wednesday so I just jogged a bit on the treadmill and practiced double unders and stretched.
Friday - Crossfit
Pre-WOD: 1 Rep Max Clean & Jerk - 95 lbs. new PR!
5 Power Clean & Jerk (60 lbs.)
10 Wall Ball (10 lbs.)
200 m RUN
Time: 17:39
I couldn't breathe!!! This sinus infection needs to go away. But I did at least beact my clean and jerk PR by 15 lbs.
Saturday - Crossfit
Partner WOD: "Murph" (only one partner works at a time)
1 mile run
100 pull-ups
200 push-ups
300 squats
1 mile run
Time: 40:03
This was a partner WOD so I basically did half of the workout and my partner Garrett did the other half, with only one of us working at the time. This was a great workout although I felt slow because I was the only girl in the class. I also did 50 Rx pull-ups just like on Wednesday!
Sunday - Yoga and Spinning
I did a yoga class at RNCF and then a spinning class at R3! I need to do yoga more to relax and become more flexible. The spinning was a great workout too! (I should do this combo every Sunday.)
hank you for sharing such great information with us. I really appreciate everything that you've done here and am glad to know that you really care about the world that we live in :) ab exercise