Friday, March 8, 2013

WOD 13.1 and Nike 10K this weekend

I'm competing in the CrossFit Games this year...which is kind of a joke because I couldn't even do the first WOD Rx. Luckily, RNCF let us do a scaled version! Liz and I both did the scaled version which was:

WOD 13.1
17-minute time cap:
40 burpees
30 snatches (35#)
30 burpees
30 snatches (55#)
20 burpees
30 snatches (65#)
10 burpees
30 snatches (85#)

We both only got to the 55-lb. snatches, which were quite hard. So my total reps (on the left) was 40+30+30+23=123. I'll be happy if I don't do another snatch for a month (or ever). Hopefully there will be some pull-ups in the upcoming WODs. (I never thought I would say that before crossfit!!)

AND...I'm really excited for this weekend because I am participating in the Nike Women's Marathon virtual 10K training race at NTC Lincoln Park this Sunday! Shawn Johnson and her trainer Jeanette Jenkins are leading the race with about 100 women. Read the Chicago Tribune article. The best part, is that I got chosen to be VIP for the event so I get to arrive early and meet Shawn Johnson! I'm so excited to run with her because Olympic athletes are amazing and an inspiration to me. I ran 7 miles last weekend so I'm definitely ready for a 10K, I just hope I can keep up with Shawn!

This 10K is a virtual race so you can participate from anywhere! Just sign up for Nike+ and use the app to log a 10K this weekend.

Who is your favorite Olympic athlete?

Have you done 13.1 yet?

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