Monday, September 23, 2013

Marathon Training Log: Week 15 and the 20-miler

Instead of writing about all of my workouts for week 15, I just wanted to focus on the 20-miler. I was feeling good going into the Saturday run this past week. I ate veggie stir fry with white rice for dinner on Friday, went to sleep early, slept well, woke up on Saturday and headed to Fleet Feet Old Town. I even got a free ride from UberX because they were having a promotion this weekend! I ate my  Mark Bar and drank my usual rejuvelac blended with Vega Pre-Workout Energizer. We checked our gear and then headed to the Ben Franklin statue in Lincoln Park! The pic below is of Rhoda and I at Fleet Feet, before the run.

The first 10 miles of the run were great. I ran with the 9:00/mile group and chatted with Kate for a while. We breezed through aid stations as we ran south along the lake shore. After stopping at the aid station near Navy Pier, just before mile 10, my legs started to feel extremely heavy and tired. I eventually fell back from the group and was running more at 9:15 pace. My legs started to feel worse and worse and I literally hit a wall. I've never hit a wall this bad during a training run and I kept thinking that I easily ran 18 miles 2 weeks ago! I stopped for a while at one of the aid stations by North Ave. Beach and tried to stretch out but nothing was helping. I headed north past the finish spot and after about a mile and a half my left ankle started having piercing pain and I just couldn't go any further, so I turned back and slowly ran/walked back to the finish. I was really disappointed for not finishing the 20 miles but I just got my bag, drank my coconut water, and got some ice for my ankle.

I waited for the rest of the NTC girls to finish in the 9:00 and below pace groups (pictured above). Everyone did really well but we all were quite tired. We then walked to NTC on Armitage where Brittaney from On Your Mark was waiting to help us heal our running pains. She used this butter knife looking tool to rub out my ankle (with coconut oil). It was pretty painful in a good way. I kept icing my ankle over the weekend and it does feel better now.

I'm discouraged about failing on the 20-mile run but I still did 17 and it's ok to have a bad run. This was really my only bad run training for the marathon so it's not the end of the world. I went to Bikram yoga on Sunday and it made my body feel much, much better. My legs still hurt today so I'm going to rest but I think I can be back at it tomorrow with some crossfit! Also, thanks for everyone's encouragement on my facebook post about the disappointing run, I couldn't do it without your support!

How was your 20-miler this weekend?

How do you gain back confidence after a bad run?


  1. Oh no! this is the second blog I read today about a mid run pain in the 20 miler causing a DNF! I hope you heal up fast and stronger!

    I didn't do a 20 miler, so I can't talk about it! My plan has 3 16 milers.

    Confidence with a DNF due to a pain is rough. Only thing I can do is just try the next run for a few miles. Always rough to start, but gotta try to ease the mind.

  2. I got to a therapist Emily Farley. I was referred to her. Let me know if you are interested. I go to another therapist Pierre who works at the Accelerated near FF Old Town if Emily is not available. He's great too.


What do you think?