Training and running with Team Bright Pink has been a great experience and I am so grateful for everyone that has supported my journey, both financially and otherwise. You are helping support educate women about their breast and ovarian health and allowing high-risk women to have a support system. There's still time to donate and support Bright Pink and my 26.2 miles!
Monday - Bikram Yoga
I started the week stretching and repairing my body with yoga, something I usually do on Sundays but I was out of town.
I started the week stretching and repairing my body with yoga, something I usually do on Sundays but I was out of town.
Tuesday AM - CrossFit WOD
Pre-WOD: 3 rounds: 10 x 60% 1-rep max back squat (135 lbs)
6-minute AMRAP
10 hand-stand pushups
30 double unders
Then, 3-minute rest
1 mile run
Score: I didn't really count the rounds in the AMRAP because I was just practicing the movement. I did run the mile in 7:56, not bad for an easy day!
Pre-WOD: 3 rounds: 10 x 60% 1-rep max back squat (135 lbs)
6-minute AMRAP
10 hand-stand pushups
30 double unders
Then, 3-minute rest
1 mile run
Score: I didn't really count the rounds in the AMRAP because I was just practicing the movement. I did run the mile in 7:56, not bad for an easy day!
Wednesday PM - CrossFit Endurance WOD
8 x 200 m run with 2-minute rest
Coach and I talked some race strategy too!
Coach and I talked some race strategy too!
Thursday AM - Spinning at R3
Spinning makes my legs feel great and is a good workout to stay in shape but not tire your legs from pounding on the pavement.
Friday and Saturday
Went to the expo with the NTC Lincoln Park Marathon Crew and felt like VIPs. There were photographers and a camera crew following us and people were like "those are the Nike people." I cannot even explain how much fun the marathon crew has been and how many perks we've gotten, for free!! Below are some pics from the expo.
Friday and Saturday
Went to the expo with the NTC Lincoln Park Marathon Crew and felt like VIPs. There were photographers and a camera crew following us and people were like "those are the Nike people." I cannot even explain how much fun the marathon crew has been and how many perks we've gotten, for free!! Below are some pics from the expo.
The NTC LP crew then went to dinner at Osteria Via Stato in River North. And we had a special guest! Elite runner Joan Benoit Samuelson was there to pump us up for the big day! (She's the one standing with the short gray hair.) Joan is seriously a running legend. She won gold at the first women's marathon at the 1984 Olympics and she still holds the American women's record for the Olympic marathon. The best part is that at 56, she's still a runner, and way faster than I am!
If you're in Chicago, are you going to be watching or racing tomorrow?
Sounds like a stellar expo and dinner experience! I'll be at the race! You'll do amazing!