Friday, April 18, 2014

Friday Favorites

Favorite Inspiration
I'm constantly challenging myself
to get out of my comfort zone

Favorite Kitty
Whiskey lounging on her tree :)

Favorite Lunch
Salad with amazing Avocado Cucumber Dressing from
Brendan Brazier's new Thrive Energy Cookbook

Favorite Workout
Run to Road Runner Sports to pick up my
CARA Lakefront 10-miler packet, race is tomorrow!

What are your favorites this week?


  1. Hey Lenka! I am nominating you for The Wonderful Team Member Readership Award.
    In accepting this award, you are required to do the following:

    1.Display the award.
    2.Thank the person who nominated me on their blog.
    3.Nominate 14 blogs who are readers of my blog.
    4.Let the nominees know.

    Check out my blog post for more details.

    Congrats and thanks for inspiring me! :)

  2. That dressing looks amazing. I'm intrigued!

  3. I know, I never thought of mixing cucumber and avocado to make a dressing.


What do you think?