Monday, December 1, 2014

A Day in History - Normandy

I love the fact that INSEAD is such an international school but I must say that some of the best friends I've made here are actually American. I think that our global mindset coupled with American upbringing make us get along quite well and have a lot in common. In addition, many of us, like me, are immigrants and have dual nationalities. 

The Americans and others organized a trip to see the historical sites of where Normandy was invaded on D-Day. It was interesting to see a piece of history that we learn about in school as the "turning point" in the war. Of course, other countries might see it differently, but in classic American fashion, it's when we came to save the day.

Omaha Beach monuments where the allies landed coming from England.

Diagram of other beaches that were invaded.

The American memorial cemetery close to Omaha Beach.

A moving and sad place to be, but it was very interesting to visit the museum and see the timeline of events and read about the troops stories and triumphs.

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