Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Sun Setting on 2014

As the sun is setting on 2014, I'm reminded of how an incredibly challenging, eye-opening, and exciting year it has been. I started the year ramping up my new business, Nuclear Undone, and making my first pay checks from clients as an independent consultant. I applied to business schools and was ecstatic when I received my admission letter from INSEAD. But, leaving everything and everyone behind in Chicago was difficult. I strongly second guessed my decision to go to school in France and the first few weeks were not easy. But as I started the program, I had so little time to think about these things and was completely distracted by the bubble of INSEAD.

As I'm sitting in Bali reflecting on the past year, I can't help but be thankful for the new friends I've made, the professors that have challenged my thinking, and the adventurous, multi-cultural mentality that I've found in myself and others at INSEAD.

So as we move on to 2015, my goal is to continue this adventurous mentality and keep challenging assumptions. I want to learn more from my INSEAD classmates and professors and explore new parts of the world in Southeast Asia, the Middle East, and back in Europe. I don't know where my career will take me in the second half of this year after I graduate but I hope that you'll continue following my journey with me!

Happy New Year!

What are your goals for 2015?

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