Sunday, June 17, 2012

Fitness Log: Week 4/16

This is week 4 out of 16 for my half-marathon training, which means I'm a fourth of the way through after this week...what?! I did well last week with going to crossfit and a timed 5-mile run. I think I'm ready for a 6-mile run this weekend and I'm also going to try to finally make it to an endurance class.

Monday - Rest Day
Woke up for crossfit but I felt really blah so I stayed home.

Tuesday - CrossFit WOD
10 rounds of 90 seconds work and 90 seconds rest:
10 kettlebell swings (26#)
10 burpees
Max wall-balls (10#)
Score: 72 total wall balls
This was a tough workout but really pushed me to do the burpees fast(ish) so I could get to the wall balls within 90 seconds.

Wednesday - CrossFit Endurance
1-mile run: 7:37
5 minute rest
10-minute AMRAP:
5 push-ups
10 toes to bar
15 burpees
20 squats
Score: 3+ rounds
5 minute rest
1-mile run: 8:15
This was my first ever crossfit endurance workout (with a coach) and it was tough! The 5 minute rest periods were not enough to make my heart rate go down, and I felt really out of breath on the second mile. However, I'm glad I did the workout and hope to do them at least once a week. While long runs will prepare me for the length of the race, endurance WODs will make me faster, which is important for trying to PR!

Thursday -Rest Day
I was really sore from the endurance WOD on Wednesday so I just did a slow mile run on the treadmill and then a 20-minute yoga workout, it felt good!

Friday - CrossFit WOD
Thrusters (45#)
Pull-ups (blue band)
Time: 7:44
This was a new Fran PR for me!!! Fran is a good benchmark workout and I'm glad  that I'm getting faster, maybe I can use a higher weight and thinner band next time?

Saturday - Rest Day
I was going to do my long run today but my legs hurt so I decided to wait til Sunday. Ryan and I did walk around and play some basketball, so I was a little active :)

Sunday - 6-mile timed run
Distance: 6.33 miles
Time: 53:26
Pace: 8:27/mile
I'm glad I waiting until Sunday to do this run because my legs felt good and I had a good pace. My ankles/achilles were a bit sore and I'm not sure why, hopefully it goes away. 

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Fitness Log: Week 3/16

My goal this week is to do crossfit 3x (just like last week) and maybe the Wednesday crossfit endurance class if I can leave work in time. Plus, I am definitely doing a timed run on Saturday!

Monday - CrossFit WOD
5 Rounds
250m Row
10 Thrusters (35#)
15 Burpees
2 min Rest
Time: 26:07
I was super tired this morning even though I went to bed around 10 on Sunday. I felt like I had to do a lower weight than usual on the thrusters because I felt so lethargic. Hopefully tomorrow workout will go better!

Tuesday - 2.7-mile Trail Run
Trail runs are a good thing to throw into your workout mix because they train different muscles than just pavement running. I personally think that trail running is harder, especially if it includes hills! I'm lucky to have a great 9.5-mile trail around where I work, its a great break from the city!

Wednesday - CrossFit WOD
Pre-WOD: work up to 1-rep max deadlift. I PR'ed at 115 lbs! It didn't even feel super hard so I can try for even higher next time :)
WOD: AMRAP* 12 minutes:
4 sumo dead-lift high pull (SDLHP) (35#)
6 push press (35#)
8 lunges (35#)
Score: 8 round + 4 SDLHP
This workout felt much better than Monday's because I wasn't as tired. I know my legs and arms are going to be sore!
*AMRAP = as many reps as possible

Thursday - CrossFit WOD
WOD: 4 rounds:
800 m run
25 wall balls (started with 10# but switched to 6# because my legs were sore from Wed.)
Time: 22:29
Post-WOD: 100 sit-ups
I really like running workouts (since I'm actually good at running) so this felt great!

Friday - Rest Day
Took a break so I wouldn't be sore for Saturday's run

Saturday - 5-mile timed run
Time: 43:44 = 8:45/mile
My course is mapped below. I love running along the lake and wish I lived closer so I didn't have to do so much city running because it takes forever when you don't get the stoplights right. I haven't run 5 miles since late March or early April but this run felt surprisingly good! I stopped a few times to stretch and for stoplights but other wise I ran the whole time. I'm looking forward to next weekend's run!

Sunday - Rest Day
I was going to do a light workout today but Ryan and I took a long walk downtown for some shopping and my feet were tired once we got home. Plus, shopping is considered a workout, right?

Monday, June 4, 2012

Fitness Log: Week 2/16

My goal this week was to go to crossfit at least twice and do a timed (not easy) 3-mile run. Here's how I did:
Monday - Easy Run/Walk
Ryan and I drove back from our weekend in Pittsburgh today so we were pretty tired when we got home. But, we motivated each other to go down to the gym for some treadmill and bike work, nothing intense. We actually have a basketball court in our building so we shot around and then played some HORSE and PIG...I won!!! I never beat Ryan at anything physical so I was pretty happy about winning :)

Tuesday - CrossFit WOD
50 - 40 - 30 - 20 - 10
Wallballs (10 lbs.)
Box jumps (20 inches)
Kettlebell swings (1/2 pood/18 lbs.)
Time: 33:23 (this was a long one!)

Wednesday - Crossfit WOD
75 snatches (35#)
Time: 7:35

Thursday - fail
I really was going to do my timed run today but it was raining and nasty. I also didn't get home til 7 pm due to traffic and had to go to a friends' birthday party, so major fail. Timed run next week for sure!

Friday - SkinnyFit WOD
Warm up with “ANNIE” 50-40-30-20-10 double under (4x single under), sit ups, Time: 13:30
Workout with “HELEN” 3 ROUNDS: 400 m Run, 21 Kettlebell Swings (1 pood), 12 Pull-Up (red band), Time: 12:32
Cool down with “KATIE!”: 100 step ups with 4 burpees every minute
I really love the SkinnyFit workouts because you get a lot of cardio and body weight training in one work out, plus Coach Meg is awesome!

I didn't workout during the weekend because I was out of town for a wedding and super weekend I am doing a timed run FOR SURE!