Thursday, August 29, 2013

Get Fly Nike Chicago Relays

I know this is my second Nike post this week but I have to tell you about the awesome Get Fly Nike Chicago 4x1600m relays last night! The whole program was to launch the Nike Free Flyknit and improve 1-mile times over the course of a month. I missed the kick-off event a month ago because I had kickball but I was still able to sub on Team M.E.M.E. with some of the other girls from NTC Lincoln Park.

First of all, we got to try on the Nike Free Flyknit for the run. They have a pretty cool stretchy upper that molds to your foot and doesn't require socks. I thought they were ok to run with but my calves were burning, which doesn't usually happen.

There were a total of 17 relay teams. Nike closed down the Lakeshore Park Track and had a stage set up with an MC and DJ and music!

Our heat at the starting line!

Rhoda, not on our team, but a friend from NTC was the only one I could get with my iphone. All the other pics were too blurry!

Our crossfit endurance coach, Jon, took this picture of me running the last leg of the relay. I'm still swinging my arms ways too much...

Our results, courtesy of team captain Eileen. Our total was 27:50 and we came in 7th out of 17! I think we all ran well, around 7 min/mile. I was the last leg so my time was 6:51. I'm pretty sure that's the fastest mile I've done since high school! (My high school PR was just above 6:00.)

Finally, our team! Lauren had already left at this point but Jennah is in the middle and Eileen is on the right. I had a lot of fun doing this event and I hope Nike Chicago and/or NTC LP do more! It really made me miss high school track meets. Are there any amateur adult track leagues??

When is the last time you did a relay race?

What is your 1-mile PR? 


  1. I've been meaning to run a mile and find out!

  2. I figure a lot of people haven't done a timed mile since maybe high school. I've done mile repeats but not just one mile all out. I think the race and cheering crowds also helped my time :)

  3. Looks fun! I haven't done a relay race since high school. I have no idea my time....I am probably soooo slow. I am trying to start running again ( I use to love it in my younger days), so we will see how this goes. :)

    -Alecia with

  4. This was my first relay since high school and it was so fun! Although I run longer distances now, I was definitely faster in high school. Thanks for stopping by and I'll check out your blog!


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