I'm excited for this journey and please support my training efforts by helping me reach my fundraising goal!
Donate here!
Monday AM - CrossFit WOD
3-rep max back squat - 115 lbs.
20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2 push ups (on knees)
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 toes to bar (knees to elbow)
Time: 8:43
I felt tired this morning so it wasn't my best workout. But I almost didn't wake up so I'm glad I at least showed up!
Monday PM - CrossFit Endurance WOD
4 rounds, each movement starts on the minute
0:00 - 50 m run
1:00 - 150 m run
2:00 - 200 m run
3:00 - 10 squats, 10 pushups, 10 sit-ups
5:00 - next round
Despite my sluggish morning workout, I felt great at this one! There was a substitute coach that I had never met before and he asked me if I ran in college because I was beating everyone in the sprints (including the guys) and I was wearing my BTN Big 10K Purdue shirt. I'm like, "No, but thanks for the compliment!"

Tuesday PM - NTC Lincoln Park
Easy 5-mile run with some of the marathon crew and people from Nike HQ
Then, NTC class with my favorite trainer Kate!
Finally, Marathon Crew team huddle to talk about injury prevention.
One thing I learned is that dynamic stretching is better than static stretching but you have to do it correctly because it's easier to cheat.
Wednesday AM - CrossFit WOD

Double Unders (2x single unders)
Rest about 10 minutes, then:
4 Rounds:
400 meter Run
15 Pull-Ups
15 Box Jumps (20")
My time was about 7:30 for Annie and then about 15:30 for the second workout. My legs and arms were sore from Monday's workouts but I pushed through. Tomorrow is definitely rest day!
Thursday - Rest Day
Friday - Spinning at R3
I really should have gone to spinning on Thursday instead of resting all day because it really made my legs feel better. Spinning is excellent active recovery.
Saturday - 13.1 miles with NTC Lincoln Park
I ran with the 9-minute-per-mile pace group but had to cut back the last 4 miles. According to my iPod nano though, my average pace for the whole run was 8:42, so I'm not sure if we were running faster than we thought or if my iPod is off. Either way, the run felt pretty good and I completed the whole thing without stopping...only did a few times to drink some water. I also did this run quite a bit faster than the Rock 'n' Roll Half Marathon two weeks ago!
Sunday - Rest Day
Nice! I'm always intrigued at your training plan! Glad to see it working and you are getting progress!
ReplyDeleteFrom: Darin Armstrong
Hello Lenka,
Just a quick email to ask if you
would be interested in a ‘mutual’ following on twitter.
(#FYI I do RT’s ‘ANYTIME’ for all #Triathletes
#Cyclists #UltraRunners #Marathoners #FitnessProfessionals who follow me on
Twitter and have something important they want mentioned for support…Over 41K
folks at your access...) I am currently following you now
and am awaiting your follow-back...
All the very best for the rest of
2013 & beyond Lenka. Look forward to hearing from you…
(PS. Lenka, should you
follow back, I'll be mentioning you in my #FollowFriday #Shoutouts this week
I'm intrigued to see how the training plan goes too haha
ReplyDeleteHi Darin, thanks for your support and I followed you back!