I'm excited for this journey and please support my training efforts by helping me reach my fundraising goal!
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Monday PM - CrossFit Endurance WOD
Pre-WOD: 4 rounds:
9 sit-ups
6 push-ups
3 burpees
50 m run
Time: 4:05
WOD: 8 x 200 m run on the 2:00 minute
Times: 48s, 42, 46, 42, 47, 42, 46, 42
I don't know how the two parts of the track (400m) were getting different times, it might have to do with the lack of lines on the track. Oh well, I was still quite consistent.
Tuesday AM - CrossFit WOD
3-rep max deadlift: 135# (new PR!)
WOD: 8-minute AMRAP
1 kettle bell swing (35#)
1 burpee
2 KB swing
2 burpee
3 KB swing
3 burpee
Total reps: 107 (almost 10 rounds)
I had to fast this morning because of a physical (blood drawn) at work so I couldn't take my usual rejuvelac, and Vega Pre-Workout Energizer and drink coconut water during the workout. Therefore I felt quite tired and then even more tired after they drew my blood. I finally got to drink my smoothie around 10:00 am!
Wednesday AM - CrossFit WOD
Max snatch - 60# (failed at 65#)
4 Squat Snatch (35#)
8 Box Jump (20")
4 Minutes Rest
4 Power Clean (55#)
16 Lateral Hops over the bar
Total rounds: 5 and 8+2
I did the lowest possible squat snatch weight and they still sucked. I think the issue is with my flexibility in the overhead squat position. My legs were also sore from deadlifts on Tuesday.
Wednesday PM - CrossFit Endurance WOD
7 rounds:
Run 1 minute
Rest 1 minute
Also did hollow rocks and planks
I'm not sure that I'm a huge fan of this workout because I tend to push myself more with distance than with time. In one minute, I could run about 300 m, but I feel like if the workout was to run 300 m, I would have done it faster.

Felt great to relieve sore muscles!
Friday AM - CrossFit WOD
Pre-WOD: 1 Rep Max Push Press
WOD: 15-minute AMRAP
5 Pull-Up + Toes to Bar
10 Lunges (45#)
Total rounds: 7
Saturday - Hiking!
Ryan and I went to Wisonsin this weekend to camp at Mauthe Lake in the Kettle Moraine State Forest. We did a nice 9.25-mile hike along the Ice Age Trail and other surrounding trails.
Friday AM - CrossFit WOD
Pre-WOD: 1 Rep Max Push Press
WOD: 15-minute AMRAP
5 Pull-Up + Toes to Bar
10 Lunges (45#)
Total rounds: 7
Saturday - Hiking!
Ryan and I went to Wisonsin this weekend to camp at Mauthe Lake in the Kettle Moraine State Forest. We did a nice 9.25-mile hike along the Ice Age Trail and other surrounding trails.
Sunday - Rest Day
Drove back home from Wisconsin and then relaxed at the pool for a bit :)
What was your favorite/best workout last week?
Drove back home from Wisconsin and then relaxed at the pool for a bit :)
What was your favorite/best workout last week?
Thank you for stopping by my blog! I can't tell you how excited I am to find another person into the Endurance program. It has done wonders for my physique and athletic performance. Adding you to my Bloglovin account now ...
ReplyDeleteI'm much stronger and faster with crossfit, I hope it works for the marathon. I followed you too!
ReplyDeleteWould you be interested in hosting a Scentsy fundraiser to help meet your Team Pink fundraising goals? I donate 20% of all sales made through a special link I would set up on my website. Feel free to check out my website and email me if interested www.pattykonis.scentsy.us
ReplyDeleteAnytime I have to scroll down to read a work out list, i am impressed!
ReplyDeleteFavorite work out was Tuesday (27th). I had a strength run on tap and my legs felt fantastic and I didn't feel like I was nursing my rehabbed leg for the run. Was a hot run, but mentally great and hit my goal times!
I'm impressed that you ran yesterday! I ran Monday evening and was supposed to do 7 with the group but cut it a little short because it was too hot.