Monday, July 30, 2012

Fitness Log: Week 11/16

Monday - CrossFit
Pre-WOD: 1-1-1-1-1 back squat (85-95-105-115-125)
WOD: 10-minute AMRAP:
10 thrusters (35#)
10 sumo deadlift high pull (35#)
Total: 6 rounds plus 3 thrusters
I PR-ed on the back squat! I did a lower weight for the workout because the "high pull" part is really difficult for me with higher weights. My mid/lower back was really sore from this workout (so were my hamstrings) and I'm not sure that means that my form was bad, especially when I got tired.

Tuesday - CrossFit
1-1-1-1-1 Shoulder Press
3-3-3-3-3 Push Press
(I don't remember my weights but the max for both was around 65#)
WOD: 20-minute AMRAP:
10 pull-ups
500 m row
10 burpees
150 single-unders
Total: 3 rounds
We were supposed to run today but it started raining really bad. I was trying to do double-unders, but mostly failed. I just can't seem to get my rhythm down so I'm going to try to practice more often.

Wednesday - CrossFit
Pre-WOD: max hang squat clean (73#)
WOD: 5 rounds:
15 push-ups
10 hang squat cleans (45#)
Time: 12:40
 I went to crossfit 3 days in a row! This usually doesn't happen since I'm often too sore. I was still sore today but the workout was good. Hang cleans seem so much harder than cleans from the ground, I guess because you have more momentum?

Thursday - CrossFit
1000 m row
10 rounds:
10 box jumps (20")
10 kettle bell swings (26#)
1 mile run (after the 10 rounds)
Time: 31:15
This workout was a good one and really tough on the legs! I'm definitely taking a rest day Friday since I went to crossfit 4 days in a row.

Sunday - 7-mile run
I went to Indy for the weekend so  I met up with one of my friends, that is also running the Chicago Half, and we ran on the Monon Trail. It's a really nice paved trail with mile markers and plenty of shade. Carrie ran the first 5-ish miles with me and then I went on to do 2 more. I don't have a total time because I wasn't being very good at stopping my stopwatch, oops! Afterwards I had a perfect post-run lunch at Panera with salad (with avocado) and black been soup and an apple :)

My training went well last week since I went to Crossfit almost every day and completed a long run. Although, I am supposed to be at 10 miles right now so I'm a little behind and need to restructure my training plan, so here it is:

August 4 - 8 miles
August 11 - 9 miles
August 18 - 10 miles
August 25 - 11 miles
September 1 - 12 miles
September 9 - race day!

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