Saturday, March 9, 2013

Karyn's Raw Detox - Days 1-2

This post is part of a series in which I am sharing my journey of Karyn's Raw Detox program. Read my other posts below:

Free Seminar
Day 0
Days 1-2
Days 3-6
Days 7-10

Days 1-2
Happy Saturday everyone! I love Saturdays because I usually spend the day working out and doing other fun things. However, besides going to yoga in my building, I'm taking a rest day so my muscles are ready for tomorrow's Nike+ Virtual 10K at NTC Lincoln Park!

I went to the first class for Karyn's Raw Detox on Wednesday night and have been following the program for a couple of days now. In the first class, Karyn Calabrese explained to use her raw food and detox philosophies, repeating much of what I heard in the free seminar I went to back in January (post). She explained the importance of eating vegan (humans are supposed to be herbivores) and why raw food is essential (cooking kills enzymes necessary for digestion). So, the first week of the detox includes eating strictly plant-based, but not fully raw yet. Eating plant-based has been easy for me since I already do that and I have been incorporating more and more raw foods into my diet. I just ordered a dehydrator from Amazon and I plan on testing it out today! I've basically been eating my normal healthy vegan foods and trying to make my lunch as raw as possible. It hasn't been 100% raw because I don't have some of the raw ingredients yet, I need to make a trip to Whole Foods.

An important part of this detox is adding supplements that are really good for your body and also help flush out the bad things. I feel like I've gone on overload with supplements but Karyn gives you a nice sheet in the form of a table to keep track of all of it. These tables are also included in Karyn's book for each week. Here's a list of some of the supplements I am taking during week 1:

Green Meal Shake - nutrient-dense raw superfood shake for breakfast (pictured above)
Rejuvelac - cleans intestinal tract and has vitamins
Digestive enzymes - break down food for optimum nutrient absorption
Chlorella - algae superfood
Fenugreek - loosens mucus
Detox clay - cleanses colon

Karyn said that people are usually full from the green meal shake for hours after breakfast. I did not find this to be true probably because I work out pretty intensely in the morning and I'm also used to drinking a superfood shake for breakfast (Vega One). Regardless, the shake is really good and filling. The Rejuvelac is and interesting drink and I kind of like the taste of it. The Chlorella tablets you have to chew and they don't taste the greatest and get stuck in your teeth (I'm not a fan but I understand how good chlorella is for you -- I prefer it in shake form). The detox clay is taken right before going to bed and I've felt it the next morning in the form of cramps in my intestines.

Body Log (TMI warning)
I'm not experiencing any huge symptoms from detoxing, yet. I do feel bloated and a bit fatigued but I got a lot of sleep last night so I'm feeling better now. I've also been feeling crampy in the morning, presumably from the detox clay, but that goes away after I go to the bathroom. I did go to the bathroom several times yesterday, so I know my colon is getting cleaned out! The symptoms for me right now are really similar to when I have my period (bloating and cramps), so not too bad.

Disclaimer: Karyn's Raw provided the detox class to me for free and is giving me a discount on the supplements for writing about my experience. The text and opinions are completely my own. You can learn more about the detox class here or buy Karyn's book here.


  1. So inspiring to read about how you are going through this process! Maybe one day I can! I am not there yet, but your posts are very motivating me to get to that point!

    1. Most of the people in the class that haven't done the detox before are overweight and barely eat vegetables so I'd say you're more ready than you think you are!


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